The Official Presentation of the Tour teams, which will take place next Thursday, June 29, will be one of the most expected events in the preview. This event will be broadcast live by EITB to nearly 200 countries.
That same day, in the morning, the Fan Park of the Tour was inaugurated, located in the Parque del Arenal area, in Bilbao. It is an open and free space where you can immerse yourself in a cycling environment with stands for sponsors, gifts, a giant zip line, exhibitions of herri kirolak, euskal dantzak, a bicycle exhibition or tracks to learn to ride them. In addition, it will have a giant screen from which to follow both the presentation of the teams and the opening day of the Tour. This space will be open on June 29 and 30 and July 1.
Donostia/San Sebastian
Donostia/San Sebastián will also enjoy activities of the Grand Départ Pays Basque. From June 26 to August 6 you can enjoy the exhibition Bicycle. 150 years in the San Telmo Museum. A sample of historical pieces that allow us to see the evolution of the bike, the brands manufactured in the Basque Country, bikes dedicated to different uses and trades, and at a sporting level, some that have been protagonists of various milestones. In addition, the Miramar Palace will host the summer course Challenges and opportunities for sports diplomacy in the 21st century on June 28 and 29.
The Bicycle Summit Euskadi 2023, which will take place on June 30 at Vital Fundazioa Kulturunea, will bring together many of the best international experts in cycling mobility in cities, who will share their experiences and current pioneering trends.
Also, during the month of July, six cubes will be installed in the Plaza de la Provincia which under the title Araba, txapeldunen lurraldea, show some of the most significant images of cycling in this territory.
Throughout the month of June and the first days of July, the exhibition Le Tour de France exhibition in Euskadi exhibits 125 pieces divided into two exhibitions with different themes, the history of Basque cycling and that of the great gala round.