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The contents of this web site, text, images, sounds, animations, etc. as well as the graphic design and source code are protected by Spanish law regarding the intellectual and industrial property rights of BEINKE PROYECTOS TURÍSTICOS Y CULTURALES. As such, their reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, totally or partially, is prohibited without the express authorization of BEINKE PROYECTOS TURÍSTICOS Y CULTURALES.
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BEINKE PROYECTOS TURÍSTICOS Y CULTURALES will not be held liable for the incorrect use which may occur to the contents on our web site, being the sole responsibility of the person that accesses or uses them.
Nor do we assume any responsibility for the information contained on the web sites related to third parties which can be accessed by links or browsers from this web site.
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BEINKE PROYECTOS TURÍSTICOS Y CULTURALES reserves the right to modify or eliminate the information contained on its web site, and its configuration or presentation, without assuming any responsibility for such action.
Indications regarding technical aspects
BEINKE PROYECTOS TURÍSTICOS Y CULTURALES does not assume any liability which may arise from technical problems or faults that may occur while connected to the Internet, as well as any damage that may be caused by third parties as a result of unlawful interference beyond the control of BEINKE PROYECTOS TURÍSTICOS Y CULTURALES.
We also remain exonerated of all liability before possible damages and losses that the user may suffer as a result of errors, faults or omissions in the information which we provide when it comes from other sources.
Privacy Policy
BEINKE PROYECTOS TURÍSTICOS Y CULTURALES. declares that the personal details provided voluntarily on this web site shall be processed automatically and inserted in the corresponding files.
The data inserted in our files are totally confidential and shall be treated with the maximum confidentiality, in compliance with all the requirements provided for in Organic Law 15 of December 13 1999 on the Protection of Personal Details. Users may exercise their right to access, rectify, cancel or oppose the use of their details at any time.
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