Vitoria was promoted this Saturday June 23, 2012 in the workshops ‘Tune Into Spanish’, promoted by the Ministry of Education in the United Kingdom and Ireland, Embassy of Spain, as an attractive and ready where you can enjoy and study the language. These “Spanish workshops” aimed at British educators are organized from years at the Vicente Cañada Blanch Institute of Portobello, in London, with great public attraction. It aims to open avenues for participation in the Primary Languages Show at the University of Westminster in London. Most languages of the country fair at the elementary level where they can be interested in attending next year Euskadi companies working in this sector.
Vitoria-Gasteiz has organized a full presentation that included the screening of a promotional video of the city, accompanied by a detailed explanation of the strengths of Vitoria-Gasteiz and tourism resources of the territory. It has completed its presence with the development of three “Cultural Workshops” or workshops on our cuisine, culture and language that were offered simultaneously.