Organized by the City Council of Bilbao, BILBAOPOESIA will bring together a score of authors. The complete programming of this twentieth edition of BILBAOPOESIA includes recitals, music, encounters with poets and an exhibition summary of these two decades of poetry in the old Town station of Metro Bilbao.
Coinciding with this twentieth edition of BILBAOPOESIA, the city Council has also programmed a retrospective exhibition of these years, with photographs and texts by some of the most representative authors who have passed through the festival along these two Decades, among other names: Adonis, Ángel González, José Manuel Caballero Bonald, María Victoria Atencia, Chantal Maillard or Miren Agur Meabe. The panels will be exhibited at the station of the old town of Metro Bilbao, at the exit of the Plaza de Unamuno from the 1st to the 30th of March.
The programming of BILBAOPOESIA includes for the day 11 of March a recital of poetry in which will meet several young female voices, that have gained popularity and literary prestige in recent years, almost all of them, of the hand of the publishing house the beautiful Warsaw , which celebrates its 15th birthday. And in front of this group of young authors, the recital of day 12 will have one of the great voices of State poetry. On the 13th there will be an appointment in the Biblioteda of Bidebarrieta five other writers of long trajectory. The programme will continue the following day, on March 14th, with a literary meeting to bring together Elvira Sastre with Bejamín Prado. Elvira Sastre is one of the usual authors in the circuit of literary events. The poetic programming will close on the 15th, with a luxury meeting to celebrate the “day of Blas de Otero”. Thus, the national prize of the Letters, Pere Gimferrer, Guillermo Carnero, Vicente Molina Foix and Jenao Talens will be quoted. It will start at 19:30 hours, with free entrance until completing the room capacity.