Zarautz hosts for Thursday, Friday and Saturday (2, 3 and July 4, 2015) in various theaters of street ‘Kalerki 2015’. Here’s the program to not miss any show.
Take advantage and visit Zarautz and enjoy the atmosphere of the streets, now more than ever with Kalerki 2015.
Thursday, July 2
19.00 h (Musika Plazan)
ONGI ETORRI FINDEMUNDO! Trapu Zaharra (Euskadi)
20.30 h (Zigordia street – Plaza Lege Zaharra)
STREET M(u)F David Moreno & Cia. (Cataluña)
Friday, July 3
18.00-20.00 h (Sortaldea)
CIRQUEAMOS Zirko Tailerra Tiritirantes (Burgos)
20.30 h (Zigordia street – Plaza Lege Zaharra)
EL CUBO LIBRE La Compagnia Dromosofista (Italia/Argentina)
21.00 h (Zigordia street)
ANDANTE Markeliñe (Euskadi)
22.30 h
HANKAZ GORA Titirirantes (Burgos)
Saturday, July 4
19.00 h
PULGAS Pez Limbo (Euskadi)
20.00 h
LAUESKU Lasala (Euskadi)
20.30 h
LA CABRA El espejo negro
22.30 h (Munoa)
EL EXPERIMENTO Primital Bros (Madrid/Euskadi)