Greenways in Euskadi

The old railroad tracks recovered as itineraries are a leisure alternative for walking and cycling.

Taking advantage of the railway layout, these are easily accessible routes that are also suitable for people with reduced mobility and which cross towns and landscapes from another perspective. Today, Euskadi has nine Greenways and more than 180 km.

Greenway of the Bidasoa

It is part of the network and the Vías Verdes programme. It is a very commonroute used as a walk but also as a way of communication between the towns through which it runs.
The Bidasoa is a small Basque-Navarrese river that evokes the border crossing of Irun to France. Precisely its character of border, along with its equal railroad, constitutes its peculiar signs of identity. The Vía Verde del Bidasoa regains a good part of the Txikito train (Elizondo-Irun) and offers an unforgettable tour of 39 km by beautiful villages of Gipuzkoa and Navarra on the banks of the Bidasoa.


This cross-border itinerary is part of a European itinerary, Euroveloruta nº1, which extends to the North Cape of Sagres, in the south of Portugal, along 8,200 km.
The 80 km of the Euroziklo offers the lovers of the cycling tourism an attractive route to oneside and to the other side of the Bidasoa: coastal towns, wild coves, natural spaces, beaches, heritage, Basque Mountains and The Natural Park of Bertiz.
It is a quiet and safe way for pedestrians, cyclists, skaters, etc. And accessible for people with reduced mobility. Approximately 60 km are intended to be equipped with a cycle track (only for bicycles) and sidewalk (reserved for pedestrians) or greenways (for all non-motorized users). Sometimes the itinerary runs on highways but with low traffic levels.