On 17 June, the Ongi Etorri Euskararen Herrira! (Welcome to the country of Euskara!) campaign was presented in Zarautz. The campaign has been promoted by the tourism and Basque language services of the five municipalities of Aia, Getaria, Orio, Zarautz and Zumaia. It is an initiative created in collaboration with Urola Kostako Udal Elkartea, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and Udalerri Euskaldunen Mankomunitatea UEMA.
The main objectives of this campaign are to raise awareness of the Basque language among visitors, to interact in Basque with visitors and to increase relations in Basque. To this end, a series of supports have been created in five languages: Basque, Spanish, French, English and Catalan. These include words and expressions in Basque so that visitors can come into direct contact with the language in an agile and entertaining way. The campaign will be present in the five municipalities and, together with the Basque language, will advertise the wide range of tourist attractions in the region: gastronomy, nature, museums, sports and leisure.