Last year it left everyone in love, so this year the giant snowball will go back to the streets of Irun. In the absence of real snow on the roofs, all the people that come to the city can get inside this giant ball, in the style of those Christmas spheres in which it snows inside, to be able to take photographs surrounded by snowy landscapes. The ball will be in points like Plaza Pío XII (Saturday 22 December), San Miguel (Thursday December 27), Admiral Arizmendi Saturday December 29), Luis Mariano (Wednesday 2January) or San Juan (Friday January 4). The schedule will bein the mornings of 11h. at 13:30h. And in the afternoon from16:30h. to 20h.
But this is not the only activity that will animate the streets of Irun in these dates so marked. The rink and ice and sleds with three slides, video mapping projections on the facade of the city Hall, the Street Theater and the Parade of giants and big heads will fill streets and squares of activity to enjoy to everyone who approaches Irun in these Dates. In addition, the Christmas market will have the attractiveness of five stands in which several local traders will be installed, who will take turns in the positions so that the market is dynamic and the traders have a central showcase for their Products..