Festival El Sol
The Ibero-American Festival of Advertising Communication held these days in Bilbao, including the Euskalduna and Azkuna Zentroa. Until Sunday gathered in the city thousands of professionals from twenty countries of Europe and Latin America in order to make contacts and exchange ideas occur. The prestigious “Suns” will be delivered on Saturday at 18.00 at the Palacio Euskalduna and you can buy your “Ticket ceremony” to attend the awards ceremony.
Consult the full program.
ACT Festival
The thirteenth edition of the ACT Festival remains open to new trends and proposes performing these days an action program, organized by the BAI, Training Center Stage Bizkaia. Today there will be performances in Kafe Antzokia at 22.00 and in Barakaldo Antzokia at 19.00. Tomorrow, Saturday, will be the awards ceremony at the Kafe Antzokia.
On Monday the Arteshop starts in Bilbao, which will last until Saturday 18 June, with storefronts transformed into gardens or authentic exhibition halls. This is the creations of 75 students from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UPV and the Bilbao Art Foundation who put their artistic ability to serve the businesses of Bilbao. You can make shopping on your own or with a guide map published by Bilbao Ekintza, visit them all.